Acupressure resources for every stage of the journey
Classes for all ages and backgrounds.
The Insight Acupressure path of study offers various levels of acupressure training for both professional and non-professionals.
Our Self-Care and Introductory classes are meant for anyone interested in learning how to combine acupoints to address a a variety of common conditions for self and to share with others. These shorter courses of Seva Stress Release, Good Points Self Care and Introduction to Insight Acupressure provide a wonderful introduction to the work of Insight Acupressure as a base for further study.
Our Professional Level courses are a progression of classes which start on two distinct paths: Clinical Acupressure or Process Acupressure. After taking the first two Foundation Certificate classes [CA1 & PA1A] it becomes evident that these two paths complement each other and inform each other. They are necessary for understanding the root causes of trauma and the various layers we work with through the basic protocols. Students may choose to take the next level classes in the order that suits their interest and goals for certification or for personal growth, but eventually find they develop more solid skills when learning both paths. While these classes were developed into online classes out of necessity, beginning students need to have some hands-on mentoring from certified practitioners in order to refine their touch skills.

Clinical Acupressure
Sometimes described as “acupuncture without the needles,” Clinical Acupressure (CA) is an integrated therapy that uses touch on specific points to restore balance in the body's energies. It is not meant to replace medical care but is effective in addressing common symptoms.
Practitioners use the 5-Element System and other clues to administer to and balance the whole person.
The client may stay dressed during a session or acupressure may be integrated in to massage or other bodywork.

Process Acupressure
Process Acupressure (PA) was developed by Aminah Raheem, Ph.D. as a holistic way to work with the active energy of both body and soul for healing and growth. “Process” is a working state wherein an individual deals with issues of the body, mind and spirit that are often obvious or buried in the unconscious.
During a session, the client rests on a massage table fully clothed, and the practitioner applies gentle pressure to specific acupoint combinations to encourage the client to notice what they are experiencing. The objective is to create a clearer, stronger flow of energy through the whole-being, allowing the client to come to a more conscious understanding of themselves.
It can be used alone or in combination with other therapies, but is not a replacement for medical care and may not be appropriate for severe medical problems or psychosis.

Introductory & Self-Care Acupressure
Acupressure for Anyone (A4A) is a program designed to help people of any age, profession or background take control of their health using acupressure. CE's offered for LMTs.
During the 2020 pandemic, the Good Points Self-Care series was created with modified Clinical Acupressure protocols and originally used as homework for specific clientele. The formulas offered include common health issues and powerful balancing formulas for managing stress and calming the mind.
Courses are tailored to specific communities and for individuals who want to learn self-care. The method is easy to learn and comfortable to receive, making it a popular choice.
The Self-Care Path
A Personal Practice & Tools To Share
Dive inward! Begin the Insight Acupressure journey with these introductory courses. Experience Self-Care Acupressure for yourself and share what you learn with family, friends, clients and students of complementary modalities. Perfect standalone classes or take them in combination with clinical and process acupressure courses.
Self-Care/Introductory Classes Currently Offered:
Introduction to Insight Acupressure A two-day course designed to give a broad overview of the scope and practice of Insight Acupressure. Learn a gentle and powerful acupressure for self-care and to deliver as hands-on to others.
Acupressure for Anyone (A4A) Series (Updated in 2024) 8 modules, 3 hours each. Jump in anytime. A medicine Chest of Acupressure Protocols useful for anybody.
Seva Stress Release for Self & Others Our easy to learn, deeply relaxing, signature self-care course. A one day course combined, or three hours each part.
Good Points Self-Care Series for Common Conditions Adapted from clinical formulas for Self-Care. Over 20 releases and points for special conditions. Offered as 60/90 minute classes individually or grouped together in themed workshops and retreats. Can be custom-designed and brought to a community near you.
Acupressure Practice Tools - All You Need!
Perplexing symptoms? We've got a point for you!
Professional level courses are a progression of classes which start on two distinct paths: Clinical Acupressure or Process Acupressure. After taking the first two Foundation Certificate classes, it becomes evident that these two paths complement each other and inform each other. They are necessary for understanding the root causes of trauma and the various layers we work with through the basic protocols. Students may choose to take the classes in the order that suits their interest and goals for certification or for personal growth, but eventually find they develop more solid skills when learning both paths. While these classes were developed into online classes out of necessity, beginning students need to have some hands-on mentoring for touch feedback from certified practitioners or faculty.
Certification Programs
The certification programs for Insight Acupressure are currently undergoing some transition but we hope to have the same progressive levels of certification that were offered in the past through Soul Lightening Acupressure. Many practitioners choose to study both tracks and complete a certification in one path, then the other, before advancing to the Advanced Insight Acupressure Path. These advanced classes often feel more like a retreat than an actual class, based on the personal growth that happens in each progression of the classes.
The Insight Acupressure Faculty Alliance is honored to continue offering the complete professional and non-professional Insight Acupressure Curriculum beginning in 2024. Please contact us with any questions at [email protected].
Note: Each state varies in their state regulations of who can and cannot provide hands-on bodywork and acupressure. It is your responsibility to know your state's rulings on this topic.
The Foundation Certificate (50 hours)
Clinical Acupressure 1: Basic Applications Learn how to use curved gentle touch on 36 key acupoint to balance the body and restore wellbeing. Participants receive a study guide with over 70 protocols for various conditions.
Process Acupressure 1A: Foundations Basic process and observation skills are taught to identify various layers of patterns within the fabric of the whole person. The basic protocol helps bring conscious awareness (insight) to these patterns and root causes of trauma, allowing the possibility for transformative change to occur.
Foundation Certificate Application Word
Clinical Acupressure Certification (300 hours)
The Foundation Certificate
Clinical Acupressure 2: Meridians This 5 day class focuses on learning the 5 Element Chinese Meridian system. Each day is focused on a different element, allowing the practitioner to understand the connection between various symptoms due to imbalances in the meridian flows. As the body balance is restored, the person moves towards greater well-being.
The CA Seasonal 2-day Practicums: Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn & Winter Each 2-day practicum is a deep dive into the meridians associated with that particular element. Specific protocols restore balance and tap into the body’s innate healing wisdom. These Seasonal Practicums were originally designed as a retreat.
Process Acupressure Certification (300 hours)
The Foundation Certificate
Process Acupressure 1B: Progressing Process This class builds on the foundation skills learned in PA1A, allowing the practitioner to progress with a process with simple techniques which empower the client to bring more awareness to patterns which are no longer serving the highest good of the person. The class also focuses on learning to access our own soul wisdom.
Process Acupressure 2: Body & Personality This class helps the client understand the various personality parts and the connection to body parts and symptoms. This class allows the person to work with the parts for personal growth and transformation.
Inner Child Healing This class engages with aspects of our inner child, as experiences and traumas can be layered on our whole being during childhood. By simply exploring these experiences and reclaiming the inner child parts of us that need acknowledgement and compassion, we can shift old patterns and discharge emotions and trauma.
Ancestral Healing The Basic Protocol and processing skills will be used to heal ancestral patterns that obstruct present life skills. Specific work focuses on healing these patterns, reclaiming ancestral strengths that have not yet been owned, and soul relationships through ancestry.
Advanced Insight Acupressure Certification (300 hours)
The Foundation Certificate
Either PA or CA Certification (preferably both)
Clinical Acupressure 3: Extraordinary Vessels This course looks at the development of the extraordinary vessels from the moment of conception which created an energetic blueprint of our past, present and future self.
Process Acupressure 3: The Hologram This class integrates previous CA and PA work through the hologram of energy development. Participants discover how to work with the 12 Officials of the meridian system for personal insights and raising light consciousness.
Process Acupressure 4: Transpersonal Integration This intensive course for advanced Insight Acupressure Practitioners integrates the psycho/spiritual aspects of each of the 7 Chakras, the 8 Extraordinary Vessels, and the natural evolutionary development of the whole-being.
NOTE: You will receive a letter of completion for each class that you can turn into your professional organization for possible continuing education credits. It is cost prohibitive for the Insight Acupressure Faculty Alliance to obtain authorization for CEUs for each professional group who takes our classes.
New in 2024! Special Interest Classes
CA1 for Acupuncturists Put all your training and experience to use in a whole new way. Learn to use gentle, hands-on fulcrums on various point locations to access and support whole-being health and consciousness. Receive a clinical handbook with over 80 specific Acupressure Formulas. 24 Hours, NCCAOM PDA's pending approval Taught by Cathy Miller, LAc, MM, LMT, ABT
GPY (Good Points Yoga) for Yoga Practitioners Enter the realm of Good Points Yoga, a fusion of acupressure and clinical-based protocols, teaming up with yin and restorative yoga, qi gong, and Self-Massage. Monthly workshops, seasonal retreats and a 12 hour Yoga Alliance CEApproved, Two-Day Good Points Yoga Introduction course with 6 Good Point releases for common conditions shared. . Taught by Sue Lovett, YACEP, ERYT, LMT