Stabilizing Arrhythmia - Atrial Fibrulation with Rapid Ventricular Response by Liz Monson

acupoint amioderone atrial fibrulation blood pressure clinical acupressure rapid ventricular response Aug 14, 2024

A 67 y.o. gentleman was admitted to the hospital for dizziness, shortness of breath, and Atrial Fibrulation with Rapid Ventricular Response.

Although his blood pressure was stable he suddenly began to have prolonged runs of the rhythm.

During our intake interview I held his hand and wrist at a point called Spirit Gate (Heart 7).

Because he was connected to the heart monitor we could see that after two minutes of holding the point his arrythmia converted to sinus bradycardia.

When I released the point the arrhythmia returned.

The physician requested that I continue to hold the point until his medication (Amioderone) arrived from the pharmacy.

This experience indicates the potential role of acupressure in acute/emergency care.

Certainly for this gentleman, a single acupoint served as a bridge from diagnosis to treatment.

Protocols used in this session: Selected Point

Skills used in this session: Clinical Acupressure Meridians

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