What is Seva Stress Release Acupressure?

acupressure insight acupressure love seva stress release soul lightening stress stress relief Mar 26, 2024

Origin of the Seva Stress Release

In the aftermath of September 11, 2001
by Leah Matalon

“[Aminah] asked us to consider what we could do,
what we could offer through our work to the world.” - Leah


On September 11, 2001, New York City, Washington, DC, and the entire world was shocked and changed by a terrorist attack that destroyed the World Trade Center towers and hit the Pentagon.

Those of us who were in New York at the time will never forget the impact of that day and it’s aftermath. People were in the streets in a state of shock and grief. Images were repeated over and over of people jumping from windows, with no hope of surviving, as the buildings crumbled. Photographs were posted all over the city asking if loved ones had been seen or found. Strangers were helping strangers. People came from far and wide to help. First responders, police, firefighters gave selflessly of their time.

On Monday, September 24, a group of Soul Lightening faculty members gathered with Aminah Raheem at the home of Betsy Baker. Our original purpose of meeting was put aside as we met to comfort and support each other at the time of this terrible tragedy. Aminah led us in our Pyramid meditation and then she asked us to consider what we could do, what we could offer through our work to the world.

That evening at dinner, Betsy Baker, Angelique Priscilla, Claire Franck and I talked about creating a protocol that would serve that purpose. We started listing the points and meridians that we each felt should be included. We knew we had to have a curved leg pull and a neck release. We put together our points and listed them.

The next morning Angelique woke up and said she had dreamed the order. We presented it to Aminah as the Shock/Stress Release and she was overjoyed with the results. The Shock/Stress Release was born.

After that I returned to New York City and was among the volunteers who worked on the relief workers down at the piers. They had tents set up and massage tables and we were able to treat them as they came in. I used the Shock Stress Release there and it was very powerful. There were police men and women and fire fighters, exhausted from the effort, both emotionally and physically. Some of the words that people said about their experience were: calming, rejuvenating, healing.

A short time later I taught the protocol to lay people at the home of Paula Macali. Our goal was to bring relief to a traumatized public. Paula then continued to use the protocol in her work with clients, as did I.
Since that time the name has been changed to the SEVA Stress Release and it continues to be Soul Lightening’s way of serving in the world. Classes are taught by trained teachers nationwide as well as internationally. The protocol has been used in hospitals by nurses for pre and post operative treatments, by physical therapists and massage therapists, by lay people for their children and families and their aging parents, in communities where war and hunger have devastated populations, in businesses to help reduce the stress of daily life’s demands…and on and on.

Hooray to Aminah Raheem for having the vision, hooray to the four who heeded the call, hooray to all those who carry the work forward and spread healing in the world.

SEVA marches on!

Originally published in Empowering Whole Being Health. (2018), Waggy, Miller & Raheem. Used with permission. 

The word 'Seva' is Sanskrit for compassionate service. This acupressure release was created as a gift of service to the world. The Insight Acupressure (formerly Soul Lightening Acupressure) faculty and Seva Instructors continue to teach this powerful work. You can find an instructor HERE.

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