The Gift of Presence

aminah raheem edge work insight acupressure love presence process acupressure selfcare winter element Mar 26, 2024

Your presence is the most precious gift you can give to another human being.

Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD

     As we continue greeting 2024 together, sharing the birthing and new beginnings of Insight Acupressure, Aminah’s presence is still felt and witnessed. Throughout our life and soul stream journeys, we have witnessed, experienced, and been touched by what Aminah referred to as presence. We have learned about presence as practitioners and have received the gift of presence during sessions and/or self-care. In these often timeless moments we are blessed with deep listening and unconditional positive regard, presence, a gift of grace. Aminah’s words often echo through my whole being at these times, her reminder that “the longest journey we will take is from our heads to our hearts.”

     During winter stillness, much is happening below the surface in Mother Nature and in our human nature. Many emotions arise around Valentine’s Day regarding love – for others and those who have passed; for our furry, four legged, and winged friends; for all we are grateful for; and for ourselves. However, self-love is often an afterthought, with a broad spectrum of definitions and understanding as we grow and evolve. I’ve noticed a repetitive signal that frequently arises in winter, for myself and others, around self-love. We may feel stuck or stopped in our tracks, or noticeably slowed down physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually. This may not feel comfortable, can be difficult to accept, and very challenging to be present with and to process. Wood is pushing hard and mind and persona may be busy, perhaps repeating an old pattern of trying to “run” the show, get things done, and fulfill our path and purpose. We may think too much, ruminate, worry, or perhaps feel guilty we are not doing enough. Again, Aminah’s wisdom reminds us about service not sacrifice.

     This Valentine’s Day consider reaching out to give or receive support, and/or making time for self-care. The gift of presence, given and/or received, can be the best present you bring to yourself and others. As we bring awareness, unconditional positive regard, and presence to sessions, Aminah’s words still serve us -- “trust the process, especially at edges.” I still hear her gleefully saying…”Oh, an edge…goody, goody!” It is self-compassion, patience, and love that will warm and soften our hearts, guide us home, bring forth “in-sights” and soul wisdom, and allow energy, healing, peace, and our precious life force to move and flow once more.

By Gina Rosenthal, Insight Acupressure Faculty

Thich Nhat Hahn’s words also provide insight: “We have a tendency to think in terms of doing and not in terms of being. We think that when we are not doing anything, we are wasting our time. But that is not true. Our time is first of all for us to be. To be what? To be alive, to be peaceful, to be joyful, to be loving. And that is what the world needs most.”

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