Child With Severe Allergies - Immune Lymph Booster by Cathy Miller

Jul 12, 2024

The first time seven-year-old Danielle’s mother brought her for a session was in early September. She had been suffering from severe allergies since she was a tiny infant and was typically hospitalized multiple times per year to address respiratory issues. This could happen at any time of year, but it always seemed to happen in the fall, interrupting the beginning of the school year. Danielle was on many different medications that made her so sleepy she would fall asleep at her desk at school. Her mother was a long time acupuncture client at our center, but was certain that Danielle would not tolerate acupuncture needles. She came fora sample acupressure session with me and to discuss Danielle prior to my first session with her daughter. She was hoping to be pro- active and avoid another hospitalization at the beginning of the
school year. At our first session Danielle had obviously been well-prepared about what to expect, because after a somewhat timid introduction in the waiting room she walked silently into the treatment room, used a stool to climb up onto the table by herself, and was sound asleep within minutes of beginning the bodywork session.What I noticed right away about Danielle washer pale skin, her quiet whispery voice, and the dark circles around her eyes. Her Chinese pulses confirmed that her Lung and Kidney chi were both very deficient.

Until I met Danielle my experience with young children had been that their fresh and vital chi energy was very quick and easy to access. Danielle's chi was not that way at all. It took quite awhile to obtain therapeutic pulses on the various acupoints of the Immune Lymph Booster protocol during our first session. Her energy initially felt sluggish and thick, and she fell into such a deep sleep that it took a few moments to rouse her at the end of the session. Her mother reported that she slept the rest of the afternoon that day.

As planned they came back for sessions every week for six weeks. At each session we repeated the Immune Lymph Booster protocol, and every week I could see a little more energy and sparkle in Danielle. Her mother was very pleased that we were getting through the autumn season without a major respiratory issue.

By Thanksgiving we decided to reduce the frequency of our sessions to every other week, and her physician was simultaneously reducing her medications. By the new year she was off almost all of her medications, and her mother learned how to do the Immune Lymph protocol for Danielle at home when needed.

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