Is Insight Acupressure Simply Acupuncture Without Needles?

acupressure acupuncture clinical acupressure insight acupressure process acupressure soul lightening Apr 05, 2024

Is Insight Acupressure Simply Acupuncture Without Needles?

Cathy Miller, L.Ac., MM, LMT, ABT

For many years, in our outreach and publications about Insight Acupressure (formerly Soul Lightening Acupressure), we described our work as “acupuncture without needles.” This was an easy statement to make because we simultaneously wanted to align ourselves with the ancient tradition of acupuncture, and also appeal to folks who may prefer not to be treated with needles. I’m beginning to feel there is more to this conversation as we clarify the nature of our work and how we represent it to others.

As a student or practitioner of Insight Acupressure you may have encountered people who mistakenly believe that acupressure is a simplified, less-exact, less-effective, and less-reliable method of treatment than acupuncture. You may also believe, as I have for many years, that the intimacy and immediacy of connection we experience with our clients through interface touch must be far superior, and exponentially more refined than what can be discerned through the Chinese pulses and the use of needles or other implements.

Discerning the Difference

In the simplest terms, acupuncture uses needles to manipulate the qi/energy of specific acupoints to enhance health and well-being. Although many forms of acupressure also intentionally manipulate qi energy, Insight Acupressure does not. The hands-on balancing technique that is practiced in our work simply holds two acupoints simultaneously, at Interface, until the pulsing in both points feels the same. The deep healing nature of the receiver is completely in charge of if, when, and how to utilize the wisdom of the points. The outcome is not intentionally directed or controlled by the practitioner, ever. This principle is taught from the very first Insight Acupressure workshop.

Aminah’s Intention

Dr. Aminah Raheem, the originator of Soul Lightening Acupressure (now Insight Acupressure) spent her lifetime establishing a heart-centered method for enhancing whole-being health and consciousness. Her primary focus was to empower people to identify and trust their own individual Soul wisdom. For the Insight Acupressure client, this deep inner resource (not the intuition or mastery of the practitioner) is profoundly accurate, timely, and thorough as a guide through the healing journey. The benefits of working at this level influence the whole being in a completely different way than with the manipulation of qi energy through needles.


So, now it seems to me, that to compare Insight Acupressure to acupuncture is like trying to compare mangos and melons. They are both delicious fruits, but not the same at all. I no longer tell people that acupressure is acupuncture without needles. I say that Five Element Acupuncture addresses whole-being health from the perspective of the laws of nature, and that Insight Acupressure addresses whole-being health and consciousness from the perspective of individual Soul wisdom. Both are deeply relevant and useful for supporting my clients, and I am grateful for the privilege to practice both.

You can find classes with Cathy Miller including this new class for acupuncturists at

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